About Us

On this page, we share our journey, highlighting the connection we have with our homeland and the commitment we bring to showcasing its beauty authentically.

Welcome to Walking Holidays Slovenia, your local expert for outdoor adventures on the sunny side of the Alps!

It all started right here in Slovenia, a country renowned for its breathtaking landscapes and warm, inviting culture. Walking Holidays Slovenia was born out of a simple yet profound passion for nature, sustainable tourism, and a deep-rooted love for our homeland.

The mountains we fell in love with – the Slovenian Alps

From humble beginnings to trusted experts: Our decade-long journey

Our journey began in 2011 with a vision to share the beauty of Slovenia with the world, not as a distant travel company but as locals who cherish and understand every trail, every mountain peak, and every serene valley of our beautiful country.

From the outset, our aim has been clear: to craft walking holidays that not only showcase the splendour of Slovenia but do so in a way that respects and preserves the environment we hold dear.

A short hike to Peričnik waterfall
A short hike to Peričnik waterfall

During the tough times brought on by the coronavirus, we faced challenges head-on. The lockdown hit us hard, but we didn’t give up. We believed in what we did, kept working towards our goals, and learned a lot along the way.

Now, we’re even more eager to help people explore Slovenia and make the most of every chance given to us.

Our team: Locals sharing the same passion

As a team of young, enthusiastic Slovenians, including our dedicated manager Klemen, travel agents, expert guides, and content writers, we are united by a shared passion for outdoor adventures and a commitment to excellence.

Together, we’ve built a close-knit family committed to providing the best possible experiences for our clients and fostering sustainable tourism practices that ensure Slovenia remains pristine for generations to come.

We’re a tight-knit group of young passionate outdoor enthusiasts

Our story is one of growth, learning, and community.

Our offices are located in Ljubljana, Slovenia’s capital. It’s from here that we coordinate tours that span the entire country, thanks to our team members who come from various towns across Slovenia, including Maribor, known for its wine and festivals; Portorož, a coastal gem; Kranj, with its alpine backdrop; Škofja Loka, rich in mediaeval history; Cerknica, home to the mysterious disappearing lake; and Novo mesto, the heart of the Dolenjska region’s rolling hills.

Sustainability and exploration: Crafting tours with heart and responsibility

Over the past decade, we’ve evolved from a small startup to a trusted name in travel, welcoming thousands of clients each year.

This journey has been shaped by the invaluable lessons learned from our guests, the relationships we’ve nurtured with local accommodation providers, restaurant owners, and outdoor companies, and our unwavering commitment to perfection.

Thousands of clients trust us annually

These partnerships have become the cornerstone of our success, allowing us to offer unique, immersive experiences that are thoughtfully curated and deeply personal.

At the core of Walking Holidays Slovenia is our belief in the power of personal touch. Every tour listed on our website is a reflection of our personal experiences and convictions about the best ways to explore Slovenia.

Tailored adventures: Personalising your Slovenia walking holiday

We strive to balance the well-trodden paths with the hidden gems, offering walking tours that highlight Slovenia’s famed landmarks and its lesser-known treasures. Our approach is always flexible, adapting each itinerary to meet our clients’ individual needs and desires, ensuring a holiday that is not only memorable but deeply personal.

As we look to the future, our mission remains unchanged: to share the wonders of Slovenia with the world through the eyes of those who know and love it best.

We invite you to join us on a journey through Slovenia to walk its trails, breathe its air, and experience the warmth of its people. With Walking Holidays Slovenia, you’re not just a tourist; you’re a valued guest, invited to explore our country with the guidance, care, and expertise of locals.

Slovenia: Our homeland

This is not just our business; it’s our home, our passion, and our life’s work. We’re here, on the ground, ready to welcome you to Slovenia, ensuring that every step of your journey with us is seamless, enriching, and unforgettable.

Welcome to Walking Holidays Slovenia, where every trail tells a story, and every journey is an adventure waiting to unfold.

Panoramic view of Bled
Panoramic view of Bled

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We're here to introduce you to Slovenia's world of pristine landscapes, journeying through the Alps and visiting our country's most awe-inspiring natural gems.
Portfolio company of World Discovery.